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Full text of "BSTJ 54: 10. December 1975: SAFEGUARD Data-Processing System: SAFEGUARD Data Reduction System. (Hoover, E.S.; Jacoby, R.A.)"

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Copyright © 1975 American Telephone and Telegraph Company 

The Bell System Technical Journal 

Safeguard Supplement 

Printed in V.S.A. 

SAFEGUARD Data-Processing System: 

SAFEGUARD Data Reduction System 


(Manuscript received January 3, 1975) 

In evaluating and certifying the SAFEGUARD ABM system, it ivas neces- 
sary to interrogate and analyze the massive volume of data generated during 
tests. The number of different reports, listings, and plots was so large and 
the variety so great that a flexible data reduction system had to be placed 
at the disposal of the user community. At the same time, the system had 
to be highly efficient and quickly available to be used at all. The SAFE- 
GUARD Data Reduction System was designed to accomplish these objectives. 


Si nee any operational system must be tested, certified, and evalu- 
ated, provision of the means for doing so must be part of its design. 
The first step in certifying that a process is performing as specified 
is the recording of certain significant data during test runs. These data 
must be reduced and presented in a variety of ways. The Safeguard 
Data Reduction System (sdrs) fills this role by providing a flexible 
and highly efficient facility to serve the needs of the test teams. 

The fundamental capabilities of sdrs had to be available when the 
testing began. The design for the real-time recording programs and 
the data reduction programs had to be coordinated, since the recording 
program serves as input to the reduction program. Short reduction 
program development schedules made necessary the use of certain 
preexisting designs and code, which had to be worked into the result- 
ing system without compromising the other requirements. To accom- 
plish this, a number of deliveries were planned, starting with the 
simplest and most basic features. Users who tried the first system were 
able to give sdrs designers useful feedback for future deliveries. 

This paper discusses the experience gained in formulating require- 
ments, organizing the program, developing the facility, and interacting 
with users. 



To test, certify, and evaluate the behavior of a Safeguard pro- 
cess, it is necessary to record data from memory during the real- 
time execution of the process. Debugging and integrating can con- 
ceivably be accomplished by stopping the process and taking post- 
mortem memory dumps, but this destroys the real-time sequence of 
events. Since the Safeguard processes contain hundreds of thousands 
of lines of code, testing would be exceedingly cumbersome if it were 
necessary to stop the test to record data. Because calls to the recording 
subroutine are planned for and remain always in the code, a wealth 
of internal data can be recorded without disturbing the real-time be- 
havior of the process. Recording occupies some cpu time but, aside 
from this effect, the process performs in the same way whether or not 
recording occurs. Real-time recording is essential for a practical testing 

2.1 Requirements for recording 

Thousands of events for which data might be taken occur during a 
test. The specific data needed depend on the purpose of the test. The 
clc operating system 1 allows the applications process to record up to 
100,000 32-bit words of data per second, as many as eight reels of tape 
during a 16-minute test. 

Unless care is taken in recording design, even this large capacity 
can be exceeded. Designers tend to do more recording than is needed. 
This happens because the recording decision must be made long before 
testing begins. By recording almost everything, designers protect 
against overlooking some data items that may be wanted. As a result, 
a burden is placed on data reduction to select from a large mass of data 
only those items the user needs. 

The data as recorded by the clc operating system are organized 
into physical records of variable length. Each physical record contains 
a header and one or more logical records. The header preceding each 
logical record categorizes the data to follow. Records of one type 
would contain the most common and essential items, while records of 
another type might contain more voluminous data. 

2.2 SDRS requirements 

Consideration of the content, structure, and volume of the input 
and the expected use for the output dictate requirements for the data 
reduction system. Very large quantities of data are recorded from 
over 1000 different data sets. 

Many data structures are implemented in the processes, but four 
typical ones were selected for processing by sdrs. Many more com- 
plicated structures, if properly recorded, can be handled by sdrs. 


To be correctly interpreted by sdrs, the physical attributes (floating 
point, integer, etc.) of each item of recorded data must be defined. 
Since a majority of these items must also be defined for centran 
compilations, sdrs avoids possible incompatibilities by accessing the 
centran declarations. 

To reduce data items not defined in centran and to allow quick 
response to patches in the clc applications processes, sdrs also pro- 
vides utilities to define and modify attributes. Experience with earlier 
data reduction systems, which provided only manual methods of data 
attribute definition, led to the requirement for both automated and 
manual methods. 

There is a need to format the data so that they may be interpreted 
with ease. Some factors to be considered are discussed here. 

Ease of interpretation of the recorded data requires that methods 
be supplied for selection of only the necessary subset of the data for 
presentation. This allows the user to generate exception reports and 
summaries rather than printing or plotting every data value. 

Raw data may be recorded in one form, but they may be much more 
useful in another. Presentation in engineering units is often helpful. 
User-defined computations can be made by sdrs to facilitate evalua- 
tion of data. 

In some cases, related data are scattered over a series of records 
and even over a series of tapes. The difficult task of correlation is per- 
formed by a file handler that can associate data for a user. 

Some forms of presenting data are more useful than others. Since 
it is impossible to predict what particular listing or plotting form will 
best serve a given user, the users need the ability to format their own 
reports for presentation. Specifically, the users choose from among 
four basic ways to present data : formatted reports, tabular listings, 
line and point plots, and histograms. Users specify titles, subtitles, 
column headings, plotting axes, and scaling parameters for plots. 

To gain user acceptance, sdrs (which is not a real-time facility) 
had to provide features that could satisfy quick turnaround time re- 
quirements with minimum effort. 

Since most users developed their requirements as they began testing, 
sdrs had to provide users with plots and tabular listings which they 
could then easily modify to suit their later needs, sdrs provides users 
with a high-level command language in which to specify more com- 
plicated reduction requirements. Sufficient default conditions are 
supplied so that a simple set of user commands will result in a listing 
of all data items in a logical record. 

One group of five users designed 737 tabular listings and reports in 
12 months, averaging 12 per man- week. The elapsed time to get a 
simple tabular listing to work was about two days. 


Because thousands of corrections had to be made to applications 
processes, there was a premium on quick turnaround time in processing 
the recording tapes. Since many testing teams submitted reduction 
runs simultaneously, it was essential that sdrs process a large volume 
of records efficiently. 

It would be possible to reduce data on the clc (this will be done 
during the post-installation and test phase). However, the clc instal- 
lations are limited in number, and time on the clc is normally devoted 
to testing. Therefore, a decision was made early that data reduction 
should be done off-line on commercially available computers. Testing 
is performed for Safeguard in several locations. In each of these 
locations, an off-line computer of the IBM 360/370 series is used for 
data reduction. The decision to use an off-line facility was correct. 
Time on the test machine is limited and is in much demand for the 
primary testing task. 

A facility such as sdrs cannot be developed with all capabilities 
operational at the time an initial capability is needed by users. The 
designer can capitalize on this. If he designs a modular system and an 
open-ended user command language, he can first deliver a simple sys- 
tem. Feedback after the users have tried the first system can improve 
the design of later extensions. In fact, while users were presented with 
a proposal for sdrs and were invited to give their comments, most 
suggestions were obtained only after the first version of the system 
was working. 

2.3 What was learned in setting requirements 

The needs of users with a great many reduction requests to main- 
tain were not foreseen. Since sdrs made it easy to request a large 
number of different reductions, the administration of requests re- 
quired automation. One user group, supporting a single process inte- 
gration, generated over 7000 sdrs statements. User groups usually 
solved this problem by developing their own administrative programs. 

It was important to restrict users to one specific command language 
to give them the ability to turn out data reduction requests quickly. 
Some users, familiar with Fortran or pl/i, undoubtedly would have 
liked full control over program execution and the use of data types 
available in those languages. Restricting the number of data types 
supported increased the speed with which the system was developed. 

3.1 Design considerations 

The development of a system organization and design philosophy 
for sdrs was influenced by a variety of factors. These included user 


requirements, schedule constraints, experience of the designers, and 
successes and failures of earlier systems. 

The designs of several previous data retrieval and analysis systems 
were analyzed to determine their applicability to the system require- 
ments. This analysis uncovered serious shortcomings in most of these 
systems for the high data volume requirements of Safeguard; how- 
ever, several common strong points were noted in each. 

A general solution to the data correlation problem was attempted 
with the Mission Data Reduction (mdr) system, which was developed 
for use in the Meek test system. The significant features of this system 
were a command language user interface, general data sorting capa- 
bilities, general data conversion capabilities, and data presentation 
capabilities in the form of reports, plots, and tabular listings. The 
major shortcomings of mdr were its complete dependence upon sorted 
data to produce any output as well as a requirement to convert all 
data before selecting the subset of interest. Both these characteristics 
introduced exorbitant overhead for sequential processing. 

A more specific approach to the problem was used in the. systems 
that were successors to mdr. These systems added a data attribute 
dictionary, an efficient sequential-file data extractor, and specific 
data correlation capabilities in the form of special-purpose subroutines 
to the basic capabilities of mdr. The major shortcomings of these 
systems were limited selectivity during the extraction phase, a re- 
quirement to convert a large percentage of the total data before select- 
ing the subset of interest, and limited file generation capabilities that 
required many passes over the raw data to extract all data of interest. 
An additional shortcoming was a dependence upon manual main- 
tenance methods for the data attribute dictionaries. 

A common factor in each of these systems was uncovered : The 
designers had little or no control over the format of the data files 
that they were required to process. In general, the files were written 
without regard to the eventual processing and correlation requirements. 
With few exceptions, these characteristics of the data to be processed 
introduced a great deal of complexity and overhead into the systems. 

Once it had been determined that none of the available systems 
would meet the requirements adequately, a design was proposed that 
would provide an initial capability with incremental growth potential. 
The user community required deliveiy of the first release within nine 
months and incremental releases at two-month intervals. 

To meet these schedules, it was necessary to achieve a balance be- 
tween the development of new programs and the adaptation of existing 
programs. The advantages of short development time offered by use 
of existing programs had to be weighed against their extendibility, 


flexibility, and maintainability. In addition, the efficiency requirements 
for the data presentation capabilities had to be considered. 

The requirements obtained from the user community were analyzed 
to determine possible commonality. An attempt was made to deter- 
mine the general characteristics of the data that would be generated 
by the users. An estimate of the probable volume of data to be gen- 
erated by these users was also made. 

All users requested the same basic capabilities. These included 
printing reports in a variety of forms, correlating and sorting data on 
a variety of criteria, plotting data, and specifying the conditions under 
which this processing was to be done. The large number of special 
processing requests made it obvious that the development of a general- 
purpose facility was necessary. 

3.2 Basic functional components 

The system consists of four basic functional components as in- 
dicated in Fig. 1 : 

(i) The data attribute definition component defines the charac- 
teristics of data items by examining their centran declarations. 

(it) The sequential data base retrieval component provides data 
collection, selection, and presentation capabilities for sequen- 
tially organized data files. 
(in) The hierarchical data base generation component allows the 
relatively efficient creation of direct access data files. 

(iv) The hierarchical data base retrieval component provides data 
collection and selection capabilities as well as sequential data 
base generation capabilities for direct access data files. 

3.3 Lessons learned 

The overall efficiency of sdrs is difficult to measure since the users 
of the system specify what the system must process. This introduces 
into the evaluation of sdrs performance such factors as user expertise, 
user knowledge of data characteristics, and user analysis of needs. 
Several design decisions were made to minimize the impact of these 
factors on system performance. 

Provision of methods for the user to perform many data presenta- 
tion operations on a single data retrieval pass was the primary charac- 
teristic of the design that provided efficient processing capabilities. 
This approach, although somewhat obvious for processing sequential 
data bases, is equally applicable to the processing of direct-access 
data bases. This is true because minimization of the number of times 
data are retrieved will minimize elapsed time and system overhead. 












i data base j 








Fig. 1 — Basic functional components. 

Structured data recording makes it feasible to develop a simple 
efficient data-filtering algorithm. This algorithm enables sdrs to dis- 
card all records not requested by a user by interrogating fields in the 
header and ignoring all data in the record. 

Limiting the number of data structures supported makes it feasible 
to design algorithms that extract and convert a minimum amount of 
data. Minimizing the number of data conversions was especially critical 
in the sequential data base retrieval module because of the large volume 
of data. In this module, data conversion is delayed until after all user 
conditions had been satisfied. 

Assembly language was used in coding those critical paths of the 
system that would process large volumes of data. The extra time re- 
quired to develop these programs was offset by the increased efficiency 
derived from this approach. 


The development of sdrs and the delivery of the system to the user 
community with capabilities consistent with the requirements were 


accomplished on short schedules. Several development procedures and 
techniques were used by the design group that may be applicable to 
other development efforts faced with similar problems. 

The critical need of many users for a simple data-printing capability 
was the basis for the design of the first release of SDKS. This release 
consisted of the basic versions of the data attribute definition com- 
ponent and the sequential data base retrieval component. 

Although simple from a user capability point of view, this initial 
release of the system was designed to be extendible. Emphasis was 
placed on development of a design that would allow inclusion of addi- 
tional processing capabilities without major perturbations. 

The development of an outline for further functional capabilities 
was begun in parallel with the development of the initial system. This 
outline served as a vehicle for planning capability development and 

Formal design specifications for each system component were not 
written. However, detailed interface specifications were developed. 
This made it possible for individual routines to be designed in parallel. 

The development of sdrs on schedule would not have been possible 
without the use of a time-sharing system. Although time sharing is 
relatively expensive, development times can be minimized when rapid 
correction of troubles and extensive testing are required. 

The size of the system required that extensive testing be done to 
verify system performance. Although testing is possible in a batch 
environment, the effectiveness of the system test team was greatly 
enhanced by the availability of immediate test results and on-line de- 
bugging capabilities. 


Before sdrs was designed, users were asked to submit their require- 
ments. The sdrs design group then proposed to users an initial set 
of requirements. Only after the initial release was meaningful user 
feedback received. Whenever possible, suggested improvements were 
incorporated into subsequent versions. 

A system as complicated as sdrs requires user education. Two 
methods were used for this purpose : A user's manual was written and 
counselors were provided. The role of the counselors was to teach cor- 
rect and efficient sdrs use and to collect feedback for improvements. 

The final service to users is proper test and maintenance of the 
system. Users were not asked to be guinea pigs. They were allowed 
to try a new sdrs only after a complete set of tests were run. During 
two years of use, only 81 troubles were encountered in 105,000 lines 


of source. Because of the error messages and the modularity of the 
system, it was easy to identify and fix problems. 

Total effort expended in user services has been IS percent of the 
manpower of the SDRS group. This is considered a minimum effective 
support level. 


The primary lesson learned from the development of sons is that 
user data base design is critical. Recording and reduction efficiency 
is achieved by designing data bases to minimize the requirement for 
further correlation and restructuring. 

The real achievement of sdrs lies in simultaneously accomplishing 
the objectives of flexibility and efficiency. Many systems attain one 
goal or the other: sdrs attempted to do both. Two design decisions 
contributed to the success of this effort. First, recorded data not 
wanted by the user are ignored by the system. Second, once data are 
retrieved, they are processed in as many ways as needed. 


1. J. P. Haggerty, "Safeguard Data-Processing System: Central Logic and Control 
Operating System," B.S.T.J., this issue, pp. S89-S99.